I knew Andy Millar firstly from Western Comprehensive which was our secondary school but also from the fact that I used to deliver newspapers down his street.
He sat in front of me in Technical Drawing with Mr. Adamson who, because of his brown-ish suit, his tweed-ish tie and his bear-ish appearance, we nick-named 'Bungle' just like the big guy in the bear suit from the British kids show 'Rainbow' This passed the time well. I often had a knack of making Andy laugh and even though he'd surpress his laughter he'd turn bright red.
It was with Andy that I skived off one Thursday afternoon when we should have been studying TD and took a trip over to Bradley Woods. What we should have done is to return to our own homes earlier than 'going home time' as the next day we found out that we'd been seen by at least four teachers on their seperate ways home.
Whilst working at Dial Printers in 1988 I received an invite to Gullivers nightclub as the owner, Pete, had his stationery printed at our shop. The first time I went I took Andy with me and he told me a couple of years ago that he's not missed a night since.